You Must Know These Tips To Buy Knitting Yarn

When I first started diligently learning to knit, I intended to knit blankets for my husband (at that time still a girlfriend: D). When I came I was treated to wool knitting yarn which he said was suitable for blankets. Considering the blanket would require a lot of knitting yarn, I immediately bought 10 rolls of yarn each for the two colors of the blanket that I wanted. Aside from that, if you want to tidy up your yard easily, we recommend you to use the best bobbin winder.

After working for about a week, it turned out that the knitting yarn was lacking, so I returned to the store. On the day I came back to the store, a different shopkeeper said the knitting yarn that I bought was suitable for carpets or mats because if it were for blankets the material would be hot and heavy.

From that experience, I learned a few things about knitting yarn.

The size of the knitting yarn and the number of rolls of knitting yarn that must be prepared for a product.
Knitted yarn or fiber material for comfort when worn.
The yarn meant by the seller is knitting yarn with acrylic fiber, not knitting yarn with wool fiber. (Type of Fiber Yarn)

In order not to repeat the mistakes that I have made, there are a few tips when wanting to buy knitting yarn or working on a knit product.

Decide first the knitted products you want to make. Do not be tempted by the color of the knitting yarn or the fineness of the knitting yarn, so buy knitting yarn for no purpose.

Choose the type of knitting yarn that is suitable for the product. Noteworthy is
Product pattern
The large size of yarn (yarn weight)
The size of the knitting needle (knitting needle or crochet hook) is used, usually following the large size of the knitting yarn
Fiber knitting yarn
The comfort of knitting from the yarn if it will be used for wearable products (products that are attached to the skin).

The length of the spindle knitting yarn is also important to consider. The aim is to avoid thread deficiencies.

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