How the Gynecology Consultation Works

Women who wish to become pregnant can consult deeply at Gynae Clinic Singapore, especially because certain diseases and conditions can cause infertility or failure of pregnancy. Some of these include immature egg cells, egg polycystic syndrome (PCOS) and endometriosis. Then, if the woman is already pregnant, an OB-GYN can also provide the necessary prenatal care to prepare for the birth of the prospective mother, keep the baby healthy until the age of nine months, and ultimately help to deliver a healthy baby. In some cases, women may be asked to carry out genetic tests to determine whether the baby they are carrying has genetic abnormalities or congenital defects.

Women who do gynecological consultations do not have to be just sick or pregnant. If the woman is active in sexual intercourse, is menstruating, or has a family history of reproductive problems, regular check-ups can be done with a gynecologist, prevention program, family planning, and contraceptive use.

Although women can consult a gynecologist for usual treatment, most of them prefer to do it while experiencing symptoms or complaints such as the emergence of vaginal discharge, cysts, or warts on the genitals, pain when urinating, bleeding arrived irregularities that occur, and pain in the abdomen or back. The gynecologist will start by gathering detailed information about the symptoms suffered by the patient. During the consultation, the patient’s medical record, history of diagnosis, medication being consumed, and family medical history will be discussed with the patient. Before making a diagnosis, several types of tests will be carried out. Tests that will be performed are tests on the pelvis, pap smears (examination of samples from eroded uterine tissue), and tests of the chest and abdomen. The size and shape of the uterus will also be examined by pressing two fingers in the stomach area which is located just above the uterus. Measuring vital signs such as blood pressure, heart rate, and height and weight will also be carried out.

Fine picture taking test is also recommended if some tests that have been done do not give satisfactory results. Fine imaging options that can be used are MRI, CT Scan, and ultrasound, all of which are low risk (non-invasive) options. During the consultation, a gynecologist may also provide vaccinations to make the patient more immune to cervical cancer.

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