Newborn babies nowadays are no less cool when posing in front of the camera. The actions of these babies are so adorable. Of course, there’s a trick to making photos look as natural as possible. Here are some tips for photographing newborns that have been summarized. You can get the best one from Annie Kinser Photography.
Best time
For the best shots, try photographing babies in their first 7 to 14 days of life.
Make sure the baby is full
One thing that can interfere with a photoshoot is if the baby is fussy. One of the causes of fussy babies is hunger. Therefore make sure the baby is not hungry. Give breast milk first before we hold a photoshoot with the baby.
Warm Environment
Babies don’t like cold. Make sure to keep the room warm so that the baby will feel warm and comfortable.
Create a Calm and Comfortable Atmosphere
A calm and comfortable atmosphere is very important for more productive shooting. How to? For example by turning on soft music.
Start with Something Simple
Quite challenging to get the perfect shot. Try to keep it simple and basic at the start of the shoot. Just focus on our baby. Once you’ve got your hands on the basic photos, move on to something more creative.
Natural Lighting
In every shot, the lighting can make it good or vice versa, destroying the end result. If there are no supporting lights, large windows can provide a very natural lighting appearance.
Professional Camera
If you have to borrow a professional camera from a friend, choose a DSLR with a professional lens.
Ask Others for Help
Babies are, of course, still fragile. Therefore we need to be careful when modeling our shots. Especially if we want to promote creativity. It’s a good idea to not be alone or ask other people for help when taking photos of your baby. The presence of an ‘assistant’ can help us to correct the baby’s position, pick up toys or props, make the baby smile, and make sure the baby stays safe.