Primary School Tutors Education A Special Feat For Excellence

is no attempt to link early childhood center education to the new primary school. As a result there is no seamless continuation in the education of the child. This is destabilizing the education of the child. A specialist mentor is required for this transition. Children transition to different kind of primary schools, namely residential schools where they live at the school residences and only see their parents during school holidays, day schools where they go and come back home every day, combination schools where the children leave for school on Monday and come back home on Friday, and during the week they live at the school residences.

There are those who may be registered with home based primary education. The parents educate their children themselves or hire a private tutor and educationist. Those parents whose careers involve extensive travel from country to country, like diplomats or sportsmen, they may enroll their children for mobile schools wherein the children are taught on the go. All these different types of schools have different demands on the children and require different approaches in supporting them. All of them will benefit from a specialist Primary School Education Mentor.

Primary School Tutors level children must enjoy their education, irrespective of the type of the school they are attending. That is, having fun at learning is key determinant of their success. Parents and mentors must go all out in ensuring that the children experience fun. One source of fun is being introduced to other children that they learn together with. At the same time the teachers, mentors and parents must guard against bullying by other children. Bullying takes away fun from the children and must be rooted out as soon as it is identified. The difficulty is that children are often not able or confident to report it.

It often takes long before it is picked up. When it is picked up, the child would have already suffered emotional hurt. This is where a primary school education mentor is valuable. Mentors purposefully look for symptoms of any interference in the education of the children. We should not forget to integrate the child’s community activities into his or her education programme. Children do not know which community activities they would like to participate in. They often have multiple interests and should be given the opportunity to explore as many as possible but be assisted in achieving a balance. Such activities could include sport, music, art, dance, etc.

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