Use Your Credit Card Correctly!

Apart from being practical, there are sometimes many advantages to using a credit card, for example, usually, certain shops or restaurants work together with banks or to provide cashback or discounts on every purchase with their credit card, this will definitely be a profitable choice for you CC users.

The use of credit cards is not all profitable, it could be that you will actually get into trouble if you are not adept at managing finances. Therefore it is wise if all credit card users understand a little knowing how to manage finances well are not tempted to buy things that are not needed.

Too much debt
Practically using a credit card makes people just use it, even though the credit card is not a loan facility provided by the bank because every transaction made is a debt that must be paid during the billing period, not to mention the interest in each transaction and the annual fee that must be paid annually.

Adjust the limit with your monthly income
Make sure the payment limit is in accordance with your monthly income or that the limit should be below your income. For example, your income is $ 4,000 so make sure the credit card limit is $ 2,000 – $ 2,800, this is to more easily control excessive credit card usage that causes payment difficulties when billing later, because your total income is not only needed to pay all bills from a credit card.

Not too many credit cards
Avoid using more than 2 credit cards, even ideally each customer only has 1 credit card. With so many credit cards then you also have to try to control all expenses, if you are not careful then this will actually become a boomerang.
Think of profit/loss when shopping

Think about this before shopping with a credit card. Is shopping done because of necessity or desire? because not all your desires are what you need and vice versa. Also make sure you get lots of benefits when using a credit card, if not, then you better use the cash method by paying in cash.

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